Thursday, April 15, 2010

Her courtesy

One thing about my girlfriend, as i recall that she never treated me a meal before along our relationship, and then i complaint about it to her ! Nyek nyek, and so she felt guilty *i think so * .
Here we go ! The little Taiwan, as i know this restaurant is kinda famous with beef. This would be the very first time i try on it which kinda disappointed on it.

this is what i ordered.
First sight throughout the menu, i really thought it was kinda like tasty but aihhhhhhh....

my dear had no idea about what to eat and she ordered it which is *so-so* taste.

neh, my boss... XD
this *so-so* dinner costs her about 40bucks !
Although we were not satisfied with it, but i still wana thank to her ! XD

Right after the dinner, we grabbed a movie as well. Orh yea, we were in OneUtama. XD that was a midnight show which i couldn't remember what's the movie ! shyt!
While waiting for the time passes, some shooting had been done. =]

Here, the MayBank2U ambassador

and here, which i don't know what the hell was i doing there. XD

Once again, thankiu my dear =]

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