Wednesday, October 14, 2009

- Performance A -

Currently, grounded for another 2 papers. It should be the very last theory papers before i really concentrate into flying, exceptional for management subjects. Well, basically the 2 papers are "Performance A" and "Load and Balance".
Just wanna share something on Performance A. As you can think of it, this subject basically is more to how does the aircraft perform. From the very basic rule of thumb, " Power + Attitude = Performance " , we know that with a certain of power setting and the aircraft's maneuvers, gives a particular of performance.
Basically, several aspects we would like to concern on such as performance in take off without obstacles, take off with obstacles, cruising, landing and of course, several techniques to improve the performance as well as the payload such as increase the V2 ( speed ) , increase the payload by the available of field length, take off / landing on wet/contaminated runway and etc.
There are kind of lot of procedures to be memorized, and of course we have to study more about the performance graphs. Yea right, it has 36 graphs in total. Heck !!
graph of speeds

take off run available ( TORA ) graph

- examination will be held on 23rd November approximately. good luck !

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