Monday, December 29, 2008

- hoho genting again ! -

Tonight, we plan to genting ~ It has been quite a long time never get up to there. I miss the wind breeze, i miss the coffee there, i miss the scenery. So my gang and i get up there tonight. HOHO !! we start the engine by 10pm, while on the way, drive-thru buy mcD. Arrive there by 11.30pm.
Tonight... ermm.... ain't the good time. Just right after the rain, so, Heavy Fog up there, strong wind with 140Knots... haha~ kidding... but seriously, strong wind, it can blow u away ! NO JOKES!!

heavy fog

my gang

i'm lovin it

he is freezing....

amusement park

silent road

casino !!
i can get in soon ~~

coffee bean

so coldddd~~

he is sleeping... ssshh...

emo-ing ?

we hanging there till morning 4am !!
we chat alot ...
our future..

it's a nice conversation


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